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Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough: Decades More Research Still Needed | LabLynx LIMS

Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough: Decades More Research Still Needed

February 27, 2023
Imagine waiting a lifetime for an idea to become a reality, and then it is over in 100 trillionths of a second. That’s exactly what happened to a group of scientists at the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California at 1:03 a.m. on December 5, 2022, when 192 giant lasers blasted a tiny cylinder of hydrogen…
Feed the Future Labs Hope to Achieve Global Food Security | LabLynx LIMS

Feed the Future Labs Hope to Achieve Global Food Security

February 22, 2023
In 2010, the United States Department of State launched the Feed the Future Initiative. Coordinated by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the objectives were clear: advance global agricultural development, increase food production and security, and improve nutrition in vulnerable populations. Since the launch of the program over a decade ago, Feed the Future has developed a network of…
Laboratory Informatics in Textile Manufacturing Industry | LabLynx LIMS

Laboratory Informatics in Textile Manufacturing Industry

February 20, 2023
The New England area around Boston is known today for medical and biotechnology research and development, overtaking the dominance of the computer industry that flourished here for decades. In the mid-1800s, another industry — textiles — dominated the area with mills spotted throughout eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Today, if you drive along route I-495, you’ll find many brick textile…
LIMS Benefits for the Food and Beverage Laboratory | LabLynx LIMS

LIMS Benefits for the Food and Beverage Laboratory

February 15, 2023
A laboratory information management system (LIMS) can positively impact multiple aspects of operations for many different types of laboratories, including food and beverage laboratories. These labs exist to ensure safety and quality in the production and management of food and beverage production operations. These laboratories use various informatics solutions to ensure operational efficiency by improving, for example, inventory management, sample…
LIMS Optimization: Aligning a LIMS to the Way Your Lab Works | LabLynx LIMS

LIMS Optimization: Aligning a LIMS to the Way Your Lab Works

February 13, 2023
Download PDF Implementing a laboratory information management system (LIMS) can streamline every aspect of your lab’s operations. From sample management to client communications, and from workflow efficiency to regulatory compliance, a LIMS automates processes to improve consistency, accuracy, and productivity. But finding a LIMS that works with your lab’s unique combination of services and clients can be challenging. Changing processes…
The Agriculture Lab’s Role in Pesticide Research | LabLynx LIMS

The Agriculture Lab’s Role in Pesticide Research

February 8, 2023
The agriculture industry and its affiliate laboratories cover a wide range of operations related to the cultivation of food crops. Global reliance on agriculture makes it essential to diligently test everything from fundamental soil and irrigation water to the pesticides used to cultivate much of our global food supply. In particular, testing the effects of chemicals such as pesticides is…
Managing Security Fatigue in the Laboratory | LabLynx LIMS

Managing Security Fatigue in the Laboratory

February 6, 2023
Cybersecurity plays a more prominent role in today’s laboratories. Digitalization, remote work, and cloud applications make labs more connected and vulnerable to security breaches. Strong password policies and multi-factor authentication (MFA) improve security, though at a price. Security practices force laboratory workers to enter log-in credentials several times an hour, interrupting their workflows throughout the day. The resulting security fatigue…
Identity and Authentication in LabLynx LIMS Solutions | LabLynx LIMS

Identity and Authentication in LabLynx LIMS Solutions

January 30, 2023
Consolidating aspects of your lab’s operations within a laboratory information management system (LIMS) improves your lab’s information security, in part, by controlling access to client information and testing data. Access control is a two-stage process comprised of: Authentication: The verification of a user’s identity, and Authorization: The granting of limited access privileges within the system. This blog post will discuss…
Oil and Gas Exploration: The Role of the Lab and LIMS Software | LabLynx LIMS

Oil and Gas Exploration: The Role of the Lab and LIMS Software

January 25, 2023
Oil and natural gas are fossil fuels, formed underground from the remains of plants and animals. Since the mid-1800s, the United States has been drilling wells and extracting oil and gas. The oil is refined into gasoline and diesel for vehicle and jet fuels, and distillates are extracted as petrochemicals used for a range of manufacturing products. Natural gas is…
Need to Know: Control Who Sees What in Your LIMS | LabLynx LIMS

Need to Know: Control Who Sees What in Your LIMS

January 23, 2023
Laboratory information security is not merely a question of who can access your systems. What you allow people to access once they are in matters just as much. In a previous blog post, we discussed the first pillar of access control: authentication, or the process of verifying user identity. In this post, we will discuss the second pillar, authorization, and…