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Out-of-Date Lab Tech Means Management Challenges: How LIMS Can Transform Your Lab’s Operations | LabLynx LIMS

Out-of-Date Lab Tech Means Management Challenges: How LIMS Can Transform Your Lab’s Operations

July 31, 2023
In the fast-paced world of laboratory science, staying ahead of the curve is essential. Yet, many labs continue to struggle with outdated technology, unaware of how much it may be holding them back. Managing a lab with obsolete systems and equipment not only hampers efficiency but also creates significant management challenges that can impede growth, compliance, and data integrity. As…
Mobile Agriculture Labs Visit Young Learners | LabLynx LIMS

Mobile Agriculture Labs Visit Young Learners

July 19, 2023
In a previous LabLynx blog post, “Benefits of Laboratory Courses in Education,” author Dena Standley explored the importance for students of all ages to learn how to pose questions, develop hypotheses, gather data, and practice scientific learning to fully appreciate science’s experimental nature. Hands-on laboratory activities encourage students to find the answers to their own questions and lay the foundation…
LIMS Data Migration: Bringing Order from Chaos | LabLynx LIMS

LIMS Data Migration: Bringing Order from Chaos

July 17, 2023
Data is the lifeblood of modern laboratories, driving critical decisions, ensuring compliance, and supporting scientific advancements. However, as laboratories grow and evolve, they often find themselves grappling with a complex web of disparate data sources, outdated systems, and inefficient processes. This chaos can hinder productivity, compromise data integrity, and increase operational costs. Enter Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)—a transformative solution…
Saving the Bees: The Effort of Bee Labs Across the US | LabLynx LIMS

Saving the Bees: The Effort of Bee Labs Across the US

July 12, 2023
In laboratories around the world, the best scientific minds are discovering new genome treatments for cancers, pushing the boundaries of nuclear fusion as a clean energy source, testing our food and beverages for contaminants that have the potential to cause illness or death, and studying the impact of global warming on our planet’s atmosphere. While the efforts of these laboratories…
Why Clients Rely on LabLynx Consulting Services | LabLynx LIMS

Why Clients Rely on LabLynx Consulting Services

July 10, 2023
LabLynx’s success comes down to the expertise we bring to every customer engagement. Our team combines decades of in-laboratory experience with the cross-cutting perspectives we’ve gained deploying LabLynx laboratory information management system (LIMS) solutions in labs of every size, type, and industry. This expertise lets us go beyond mere software sales. LabLynx consulting services can help make your lab more…
Benefits of Laboratory Courses in Education | LabLynx LIMS

Benefits of Laboratory Courses in Education

July 5, 2023
“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.” – Zora Neale Hurston Students can gain hands-on experience by performing experiments in science labs rather than merely reading about them, thanks to laboratory courses in education. Laboratory learning and research allow students to observe and conduct engaging experiments rather than taking tedious notes and being disengaged from…
Change Happens: Documenting Your Evolving LIMS | LabLynx LIMS

Change Happens: Documenting Your Evolving LIMS

July 3, 2023
Change is an inevitable part of any industry, and laboratories are no exception. As technology advances, regulations evolve, and organizational needs shift, laboratories must adapt to stay competitive and compliant. A Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is a critical tool that helps labs manage these changes effectively, ensuring smooth operations and continued success. However, as your lab grows and evolves,…
3D Printing: From Plastic to Prime Rib | LabLynx LIMS

3D Printing: From Plastic to Prime Rib

June 28, 2023
In one of my favorite episodes of The Big Bang Theory that aired 10 years ago, Raj and Howard buy a used 3D printer for $5,000. After three hours of waiting to print a computer-modeled whistle, the duo decides to design and print personalized action figures, convinced that they were reclaiming the entire manufacturing process. Needless to say, the “bang”…
The Power of LIMS: Achieve and Maintain ISO 17025 Accreditation | LabLynx LIMS

The Power of LIMS: Achieve and Maintain ISO 17025 Accreditation

June 21, 2023
Download PDF Laboratories hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of science. But how can we ensure that laboratories consistently produce test results that are accurate and dependable? ISO /IEC1705, also known as ISO 17025, is an international standard that plays a crucial role in verifying that laboratories consistently produce precise and dependable test results while operating with competence and…
The Role of Food and Beverage Stability Testing | LabLynx LIMS

The Role of Food and Beverage Stability Testing

June 21, 2023
Imagine this: You’re walking through the supermarket, and you pick up a food item you’re interested in. On the packaging, you’ll notice some dates identified as “best if used by” and “sell by”. “How did they arrive at those dates? What do they mean? Before we move further along, let’s clarify those date terms. The following quotes come from the…