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Rounding Out Your LIMS with LabLynx Services | LabLynx LIMS

Rounding Out Your LIMS with LabLynx Services

June 19, 2023
Download PDF LabLynx is much more than an application developer. Our client relationships do not begin and end with a software sale. What we care about is helping our clients solve their challenges. Whether they want to reduce turnaround times or make their compliance audits less disruptive, LabLynx can make a difference. Of course, laboratory information management system (LIMS) software…
Package Testing Labs: Unsung Heroes in Quality Consumer Products | LabLynx LIMS

Package Testing Labs: Unsung Heroes in Quality Consumer Products

June 14, 2023
Few children stop to think about the compression rating of the cardboard wrapping around the action figure they just received for their birthday. Rarely does the hungry teenager give consideration to the puncture resistance of the bag when they tear into the chips. And few mothers reflect on the impact resistance of the plastic bottle when their toddler is screaming…
Harnessing Informatics for Effective Lab Inspections and Audits | LabLynx LIMS

Harnessing Informatics for Effective Lab Inspections and Audits

June 12, 2023
Download PDF Product safety is one of the driving factors in government oversight, as applied to the consumer. Whether it is concerned with medications, food, transportation, or housing, product safety drives the development of regulations for manufacturing and production across industries. As a result, the consumer is better assured of their purchase or medical treatment, feeling more secure that something…
Laboratory Informatics in the Pulp and Paper Industry | LabLynx LIMS

Laboratory Informatics in the Pulp and Paper Industry

June 7, 2023
In an era when computing and electronic communications should be reducing the number of paper materials society uses, the reverse…
Expanding Your Lab? Your LIMS Makes a Difference | LabLynx LIMS

Expanding Your Lab? Your LIMS Makes a Difference

June 5, 2023
Set-it-and-forget-it is a poor strategy. Everything changes. Whether you run an internal department or an independent business, your lab must adapt to those changes. How well you adapt depends on the agility of your lab’s systems. We published the article LIMS Optimization: Aligning a LIMS to the Way Your Lab Works to describe the configurability and customizability of the LabLynx…
Gold Nanoparticles Key to Lab Test for Whiskey Agedness | LabLynx LIMS

Gold Nanoparticles Key to Lab Test for Whiskey Agedness

May 31, 2023
As a woman of a certain age, I’ve often tried to convince myself that I’ve gotten better as I have gotten older. My intellect and life experiences are vastly greater than when I was 20, as is the balance in my bank account. Certain things arguably get better with age: cheese, wine, denim jeans, cast-iron skillets, and a staple in…
Creating an Effective Quality Control Laboratory | LabLynx LIMS

Creating an Effective Quality Control Laboratory

May 30, 2023
Laboratory quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) are essential in highly regulated industries, including food, cosmetics, healthcare, and pharmaceuticals.…
How LIMS Integration and Connectivity Benefit Labs | LabLynx LIMS

How LIMS Integration and Connectivity Benefit Labs

May 19, 2023
Laboratory information management systems (LIMS) are essential for managing data and information in modern laboratories. These software platforms help laboratories streamline their workflows, improve data accuracy, and enhance the efficiency of their operations. However, LIMS doesn’t work in isolation in today’s interconnected world. It needs to communicate with other systems, such as laboratory instruments, manufacturing and production systems, electronic health…
Laboratory Informatics Systems Help Eliminate Data Entry Errors | LabLynx LIMS

Laboratory Informatics Systems Help Eliminate Data Entry Errors

May 18, 2023
During the workday, laboratory personnel generate data and information. That intellectual material forms the basis of decisions about product quality, research directions, someone’s health, and other matters. Data and information must be entered into reports, computer systems, databases, and software packages to be useful. While that seems like a trivial task, it isn’t, not because typing a few keystrokes is…
New Biofuels Research: Turning the Unwanted into Energy | LabLynx LIMS

New Biofuels Research: Turning the Unwanted into Energy

May 17, 2023
As discussed in a previous LabLynx blog, “Automation in Farming Can Forever Change the Agriculture Industry,”1 demand for food production may need to increase by as much as 70 percent to feed the world’s estimated 9.7 billion people by 2050. While feeding the world is an obvious priority, many also believe there is an equally important need to reduce the world’s…